Provide your Feedback

At Vibrant, we value your input and strive to provide the best experience possible. Your feedback helps us understand what we're doing well and where we can improve. Whether you have a suggestion, compliment, or concern, we're here to listen.

To ensure the privacy and security of your personal health information, please do not send sensitive information to us by message or email including medical records or any medical information, lab results or requisitions, questions to providers or appointment requests.


    Purpose: Vibrant Healthcare Alliance is committed to providing exceptional care and services to all clients. We recognize that there may be times when clients are dissatisfied with aspects of their care or services received. This Client Complaint Policy outlines the procedure for addressing and resolving client complaints promptly, fairly, and effectively.

    Clients have the right to have their complaints reviewed by Vibrant in a fair, consistent, and timely manner. Vibrant is committed to providing high-quality services in a manner that respects people’s dignity and encourages them to work together in an environment of mutual respect.

    Clients are ensured confidentiality and staff will take steps to avoid any concerns of reprisal for raising a complaint.

    Scope: This policy applies to all clients receiving services from our organization, including but not limited to healthcare, attendant care, wellness programs and related support services. Vibrant will let clients and staff know when changes have been made to the policy. This policy will be reviewed every 4 years and revised as necessary.

    This policy is intended to set clear guidelines to follow when a client wishes to file a complaint after they have gone through the Informal Resolution Process, if appropriate.

    This does not apply to complaints that have been made directly to the police, which will be investigated by external personnel.

    Definition of Complaint: A complaint is defined as any expression of dissatisfaction with the care, service, or conduct of our staff or organization. Complaints may include but are not limited to, concerns about the quality of care, staff behaviour, communication, facilities, or any other aspect of the services provided.

    Category Examples

    Service Delivery Quality of service; client experience; staff skills

    Safety Personal safety or security; infection control; alleged abuse

    Attitude Professionalism; respect; courtesy; individual’s punctuality

    Communication Communication breakdown; incorrect or inconsistent information; transitions (admissions, discharge, transfer)

    Confidentiality Alleged information breach

    Privacy/ Client Rights Consent; client information; discrimination; personal privacy

    Timing Delay of service delivery

    Access Access or admission; staffing, resources, services; discharge or transfer arrangements

    Client Property Accidental loss or damage; alleged theft

    Administration Operational or procedural issues


    This section outlines the key steps to be taken with any concern or complaint. As part of the process at each stage, clients will be informed of the process including considerations and process for any appeals.

    1. First Level: Informal Resolution

    Clients are encouraged to address any concerns or complaints directly with the staff member involved, if comfortable doing so. Many issues can be resolved quickly and informally at this stage. Staff members are trained to listen attentively and take immediate steps to address concerns.

    2. Second Level: Formal Complaint Process

    If the complaint is not resolved informally or if the client prefers not to discuss the issue with the staff member directly, the formal complaint process can be initiated. Complaints are encouraged to be submitted within 10 days of an incident or as soon as possible.

    The client can submit a formal complaint through one of the following methods:

    Verbal Complaint: Clients can speak with any staff member to request a connection to the Complaints Triage Officer.

    Written Complaint: Clients can submit a written complaint using our official Complaint Form, available at our offices or on our website.

    The completed form can be emailed to or mailed to the

    Attn: Complaints Triage Officer

    Vibrant Healthcare Alliance

    2398 Yonge St Toronto, ON M4P 2H4

    Receipt of Complaint:

    Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the Complaints Triage Officer will:

    • Acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 2 business days.

    • Identify the appropriate delegate to investigate the complaint.

    • Inform the client of the staff member handling the complaint and the expected timeline for resolution, which will generally be within 30 days. Complex complaints may require more time, but updates will be provided to the client as appropriate.

    Delegate Assignment & Investigation:

    The Complaints Triage Officer will identify the appropriate staff delegate to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation of the complaint. This may involve:

    • Interviewing involved parties.

    • Reviewing relevant documentation.

    • Visiting the client, if necessary.

    The goal is to identify the root cause of the complaint and take appropriate corrective action.

    Resolution Outcome:

    Once the investigation is complete, the delegate will communicate the outcome to the client. This may include:

    • Explanation of findings.

    • Steps taken or to be taken to address the complaint. These may include:

    • Providing an explanation,

    • Offering a service,

    • Changing a decision,

    • Confirming an existing decision,

    • Changing a practice to prevent a recurrence,

    • Changing a policy

    • Providing additional training to staff or volunteers, and

    • Apology.

    These are examples of some responses that may be appropriate. There are other possible outcomes that may be more suitable in some situations. The organization is committed to fair and reasonable resolution, which may include changes to policies, additional staff training, or other corrective measures.

    3. Third Level: Appeal Process to Senior Leadership Delegate

    If the client is unsatisfied with the outcome, they may request an appeal to a more senior level, which may include a Vice President or CEO. The appeal should be made in writing to senior leadership within 10 business days of receiving the resolution outcome. The senior leader will review the complaint and investigation process to ensure it is conducted fairly and appropriately. If the CEO is not actively involved in the complaint review/investigation, they will be fully informed of the investigation and outcomes. This review will generally be completed within 30 days.

    4. Fourth Level: Appeal Process to Board of Directors

    If the client is unsatisfied with the outcome, they may request an appeal to the Board of Directors. The appeal should be made in writing to the Board within 10 business days of receiving the resolution outcome. The Board will review the complaint and investigation process to ensure it was conducted fairly and appropriately. An Appeals decision by the Board of Directors is final within Vibrant.

    5. Fifth Level: HSARB Appeal

    If the client is unsatisfied with the outcome, they may appeal to the Health Services Appeal and Review Board (HSARB). Section 39(1) of the Part III of Ministry of Health Long Term Care Act, 1994, provides that clients can appeal the following decisions, where a person has been:

    1. Deemed ineligible for services.

    2. Excluded from a particular community service.

    or the person has a complaint about:

    3. The amount of service provided.

    4. The termination of a particular service.

    HSARB contact details:

    Health Services Appeal and Review Board Attn: Registrar

    151 Bloor Street West, 9th Floor Toronto, ON M5S 2T5



    The Client raising the complaint is responsible for ensuring that they:

    • Follow Vibrant’s complaint resolution process and Complaint Policy.

    • Inform the person who is the source of their complaint that they intend to file a formal

    • complaint, if possible (this is strongly recommended).

    • File the complaint within 10 days of attempting to resolve it or as soon as possible, and do not have complaints that are unreasonably withheld or delayed.

    • Co-operate fully and honestly in the investigation of the complaint.

    • Provide details of the situation to the appropriate Vibrant Complaint Triage Officer and delegates (depending on the situation).

    • Actively and constructively engage in problem-solving to resolve the complaint.

    • Work cooperatively to implement the actions relating to the decisions.

    NOTE: Although Vibrant always encourages Clients to speak for themselves, the

    applicant/Client may designate someone else to speak for them or to prepare and submit the

    complaint on his/her behalf.

    Complaint Triage Officers and Delegates

    Complaint Triage Officers and delegates will ensure that they:

    • Have read and understood and enforce this policy.

    • Address any Client or staff questions or concerns regarding this policy in a timely manner.

    • Actively listen to clients to facilitate the formal complaint process.

    • If the complaint was made on behalf of a client they must verify that the client has given their authority to do so. They must also obtain the consent of the

    • Client to divulge information to the designated third party.

    • Notify all people involved in the complaint and confirm that a complaint has been made against them.

    • Involve the appropriate parties to resolve a formal complaint.

    • Investigate all complaints until a resolution has been reached within a reasonable point of time.

    • Respond to the complainant within 2 business days, or sooner, of receiving the

    • complaint. If it is not possible to resolve the complaint within this time they must notify the complainant and give an estimated time frame for it to be resolved.

    • Provide timely feedback to clients and staff regarding decisions made at each step of the process.


    Staff will ensure that they:

    • Have read and understood this policy

    • Ask program management if they have any questions or concerns regarding this policy.

    • Follow this policy and procedures, recognizing that failure to follow it will result in corrective action, up to and including termination.

    • Co-operate fully and honestly in the investigation of the complaint.

    • Actively and constructively engage in problem-solving to resolve the complaint.

    • Work cooperatively to implement the actions relating to the decisions.

    • Ensure there is no reprisal following a raised complaint.

    Confidentiality and Records:

    All complaints and their resolutions will be documented and kept confidential following privacy laws and regulations. Client information will only be shared with those directly involved in the investigation and resolution process.

    Training and Review:

    Vibrant is committed to continuous improvement. Staff members will receive training on this Complaint Policy and procedures. Regular reviews of complaints will be conducted to identify trends and opportunities for improvement in our services.

    Contact Information:

    For questions or to initiate a complaint:

    • Email:

    • Address:

    Attn: Complaints Triage Officer,

    Vibrant Healthcare Alliance

    2398 Yonge St. Toronto, ON M4P 2H4